In 1968 John Heidman started Dallas Weather*Matic with the idea of providing the finest irrigation systems possible. That idea resulted in becoming one of the largest irrigation companies in the industry. After 10 years of going by Dallas Weather*Matic on October 9th, 1978, John changed the company name to Irri*Tech Corporation to better describe the company’s expanded services inirrigation technology. In 1972a small group of irrigators including John Heidman from the Texas Turf Irrigation Association went to Austin in the hopes of getting irrigators their own state licensing program. That proved to be a difficult task. The irrigators were met with a cool response to their proposal because of the state’s reluctance to add new regulationand the refusal of the state plumbing industry to let the irrigators out from under their control. A year later, in 1973,The Texas Turf Irrigation Association including Heidman went back to Austin. To shorten what ended up being a very long story the irrigators were successful in passing state bill 259 allowing irrigators get their own industry license. It was then John Heidman was appointed by the governor of Texas to sit on the original Texas Board of Irrigation. In 1974 John Heidman earned Texas Irrigator License #2. Make the industry better make the company better. This was the foundation Irri Tech was built on.